Established in 1999, the Department of Product Design offers innovative professional design. It integrates procedures and methods of industrial design to produce everyday items. Courses are composed of three main modules: Industrial Design, Craft Design, and Digital Design. The modules’ design and structure intend to relay cross-disciplinary design concepts and bridge the curriculum with related industries for students’ multifaceted training with the industries needs and requirements in mind.
We emphasize design theory and practice through multi-facet design activities, 8-week international design education programs, design competitions, and collaboration with relevant industries. Courses are composed of three main modules including Industrial Design, Craft Design, and Digital Design. We offer both bachelor’s degree and master’s degree of design.
The Graduate School of Product Design, established in 2012, strives to provide students with advanced design theories and techniques to meet the developmental needs of culturally innovative industries. The program, including industrial design and craft design, can effectively fulfill professional demands for on-the-job students in Southern Taiwan. The program, equipped with an intensive curriculum and implementation, enhances students’ innovation and management capabilities and meets future job market needs.
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